Thursday, April 28, 2016

Why gun control will not prevent terrorism Blog #4

Jordon Ma

Mrs. Grissom 

English 10 H

28 April 2016

         Through my research I have found a fact supporting my thesis of not increasing gun control. Terrorists will still be able to acquire weapons and gun control will not deter them. Gun control only disarms citizens making them more vulnerable. It is my belief that increasing gun control will not deter terrorists from striking.  By removing guns the government would be making citizens vulnerable to a terrorist attack with no way of fighting back. These issues have been further cemented with the terrorist strikes in Europe where it is illegal to own guns. In my opinion increasing gun control will not make citizens any safer form terrorists as shown by examples in Europe where they still have high crime rates and still have smuggled guns. I believe that the example of Europe where guns have already been banned shows how removing guns does not stop crime. 

   I have found that the increase of gun control will be ineffective in stopping terrorists from striking. In my research I have found the quote "As the French terrorist attacks proved, gun control doesn’t work"( Farago, USA today). This sources is reliable because it passes the CRRAPP test and is from a trusted news outlet, In many parts of Europe it is illegal for normal citizens which makes them vulnerable to criminals who acquire guns illegally. With the terrorist attacks in Europe it has become evident that disarmed citizens are vulnerable to terrorists. Many died before anti terrorist units were able to move in but it is my belief that many of these deaths could have been avoided if the citizens were armed. Lastly in my opinion total reliance on the government for protection puts citizens at risk from criminals and is not effective. 


Farago, Robert. "Gun Control Is Not the Answer: Opposing View." USA Today. Gannett, 
          04 Dec. 2015.Web. 28 Apr. 2016.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Will gun control prevent mass shootings? blog #3

Jordon Ma

Mrs. Grissom

English 10 H

26 April 2016

         I have discovered throughout my research a connection between gun control and mass shootings. While some believe that the solution to gun violence is gun control this is not the answer. Theoretically preventing the sale of firearms would limit the amount of gun control but this not a solution that would work in the real world. In my research I found the quote "You can declare a place gun-free, as Virginia Tech had done, and guns will still be brought there."( Wilson, LA times). This is true because unfortunately a determined criminal will disregard laws. This is a reliable source because it is a trusted news outlet and passes the CRRAPP test. In my opinion criminals willing to commit a criminal act do not care which laws they break and will continue to break them even if more gun control laws are passed.

        In relation to this, banning all gun ownership will not prevent criminals from owning guns, but law abiding citizens from having protection. By removing a citizens gun you are also making them an easier target for criminals. It is my personal belief that removing guns from law abiding citizens will not prevent mass shootings but only make people more vulnerable to them. I believe that by removing guns there will continue to be mass shootings as criminals continue to disregard the law. Lastly I believe that removing guns will have the same effect as making drugs illegal in that there will continue to be criminals who are able to acquire the weapons.

Link: Sources:
  Wilson, James Q. "Gun Control Isn't the Answer." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr.                     2007. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Information on gun control blog #2

Jordon Ma

Mrs. Grissom

English 10 H

22 April 2016

     In relation to my topic of gun control I  found an interesting fact. According to time magazine " Most gun related deaths are suicides not homicides"(Time, Davidson). I found this interesting because the common belief is that guns are used more often for homicides. I was surprised to learn this also because I was unaware that most people use guns to kill themselves instead of others. This source is reliable because it passes the CRRAPP test. I choose this topic quote because it shows that most guns violence is from mentally ill people. I chose this because it shows that background checks do not necessarily reflect mental health issues and completely removing guns will not make me or other students any safer from mentally ill people who can illegal purchase firearms.

  I hope to learn why there is not more tax money spent on mental health checks than gun control. I believe that removing guns will not solve the problem of suicide or homicide on its own. I believe that we should focus on helping the individual to instead of removing guns. I believe that by removing guns people will still commit suicide and homicide using different means. Lastly I chose this quote because it shows that there should be more focus on helping the mentally ill instead of trying to remove guns which will not stop illegal purchases.


Davidson, Jacob. "A Criminologist's Case Against Gun Control." Time. Time, 1 Dec. 2015. Web. 22 Apr.               2016.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why we should not increase gun control #1

Jordon Ma

Mrs. Grissom

English 10 H

18 April 2016

   My topic is that gun control should not be increased in America. I am interested in this topic because it affects the population and it is part of the constitution that citizens have the right to bear arms. I hope to learn about why people believe that gun control is needed. I hope to learn of more reasons why guns should not be taken from law abiding citizens. This effects me because guns are important in self defense and for when I go hunting.

It is my opinion that citizens should be allowed to keep their guns as it is their constitutional right. During my research I learned that " While many Americans support the right to bear arms, they also support specific restrictions"( Ehrenfreund, Washington Post). I agree with this statement because there should be background checks and certain safety measures. I believe that citizens with ought  a criminal record should be able to keep their guns but also that there should still be background checks for safety. This source is reliable because it passes the CRRAPP test. Lastly it is my personal belief that there should be background checks but guns should not be completely illegal to own.

      Ehrenfreund, Max. "San Bernardino Shooting: 11 Essential Facts about Guns and Mass Shootings in America." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2 Dec. 2015. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.
