Monday, May 2, 2016

Why gun control is unconstitutional #5

Jordon Ma

Mrs. Grissom

English 10 H

2 May 2016

      While gun control is not a good solution to gun violence it is also unconstitutional. It is the second amendment right of a united states citizen to keep and bear arms. This right has been infringed upon and I believe that it does not need any further infringement. The united states government has already begun to take away the right of bearing arms by making it illegal to posses them in some states. Many government officials plan to not only increase gun control but take away the right to bear arms. In my opinion increasing the number of gun control laws goes against the core principle of the country. The United States was founded on freedom and I believe illegal removing guns goes against the very principle of freedom and independence.

    I believe that my topic of gun control should not be increased because it is against the values of the united states. It is explicitly stated in the bill of rights that " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" ( Bill of Rights, Madison) . This is reliable because it is from the constitution of the united states and passes the CRRAPP test. It is in the core values of the united states that it is legal for citizens to bear arms. The government would be removing the constitutional right of U.S. citizens by banning the owning of firearms. Lastly it is not only unwise but also illegal according to the fundamental laws of the United States to infringe upon the right to bear arms. Lastly I believe the bill of rights shows shows how having an armed population is a fundamental part of freedom.


Madison, James. "The Bill of Rights: A Transcription." National Archives and Records       
    Administration. National Archives and Records Administration, 25 Sept. 1789. 
     Web. 02 May 2016.

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